
Money is not the only motivator; we help you institutionalize nonfinancial rewards as well.

Peer to Peer Recognition

We can set up the architecture for virtual peer recognition boards visible to all employees, or for sending individual notes to employees with copy to their people managers.

Award Nomination

Employees can formally submit their nominations for subordinates, colleagues, or even superiors, with the option of submitting write ups and uploading documents.

Special Awards on Birthday and Anniversary

Automate the system of generating wishes for personal milestones like birthdays or wedding anniversaries, or professional milestones like work anniversaries or promotions.

Manage Reward Budget

Set up reward kitties for managers, use the real time dashboard of the amounts available at any time, and generate intimation mails on behalf of the manager when he wishes to reward someone.

Leader Board with Badges

To inculcate the spirit of healthy competition among employees, we can set up an organization wise or department specific leader board that records which employees are getting the most rewards and recognitions, which can encourage them and also motivate the others.

So what are you waiting for?